Ram, Ramos, Rama, Ra, Brahma, is the greatest of the Heroes, true demi-god, because since the
great deluge which took place 10 500 years ago, it did not exist greater sovereign.
And yet today no one remembers Ram the Kelt (Celtic), anyway at least in the West. Yet it was the
model of Alexander the Great and Hannibal and he eclipses both with his power and his indelible
trace left in history, despite all the efforts of our modern ideologues to erase them …
And yet it is Northern Europe which is the origin of the greatest Druid of all time. Legend tells us
that one day he was struck by lightning and discovered the secret of mistletoe. The spiritual skills of
the elders were much superior than ours… and everyone will interpret this legend based on his own
level of knowledge. More than just one man, Ram is above all a team, an alliance of the tribes who
survived the progressive flood that submerged the plains of the Dogger Land around 5000 BC : it is
a little piece of paradise that the sons of Bor had to flee precipitately, once again… Indeed their
ancestors already had to flee the land of the wild Boar, frozen by the “ice giants” 3500 years ago ;
this land that will suddenly freeze, becoming the land of the Bear, is today still named the same:
“Arctic” comes from “Arctos” (from the Greek which means Bear, we will stop here because the
list of examples is long…). The survivors were then led by Tyr, the Bear man who resisted the ice. In
5000 BC, the Hyperboreans survivors are more numerous and must find new lands going southeast,
the road of the Sun. Therefore, it is the Ram that will lead them to India where he is still present in
the memories as the god creator at the origin of Hinduism. Rama is still revered in India today, just
like “Agni”, to put in etymological relationship with “Lamb” and “igneous” (on fire). The caste of
the ancient nobility of India, the Ariyas, also get their name from Ram the Aries, because you know
that “Ariya” is in relation with “Aries”. In latin, “Aries” also means ram.
Originally from the Dogger Land, Ram gave his name to the port city of Ramsgate in the far east of England. It will go through Gaul, the tribe of Remès that will create the city of Reims originates from this event. He will create the alliance of Aries by grouping the Hyperborean tribes in search of new lands around him. His journey is repeated in all the mythologies, all the religions of the world. The twelve labors of Hercules are a deformation of Ram’s exodus. The ram’s alliance will found the Dace civilization in the north of the future Greece, then it will civilize Mesopotamia and Persia before ending its journey in India. The peoples will not be reduced to slavery, they will be integrated in the alliance of the ram, they will cooperate in the construction of what is still today among the most magnificent wonders of the world, these often enigmatic monuments as much by their architectural splendor as by their durability, and that it is customary to call the work of the old builders. Obviously after joining India, Ram will go to Egypt where the symbol of Aries is king.
Magnificent representations of Râ, who will later become “Amon-Râ”. Râ is Ram (the “^” means
that a letter has been removed : the “m”, as for example “être (be in french)” that comes from
“estre” (old french),” or “estar” (in spanish)), the god who brought all the sciences and the
civilization in the Egyptian mythology, the one that make the people who integrated his alliance,
live the golden age. However, he had to leave Egypt after “a human revolt” (or he was assassinated,
the story changes from one legend to another, to relate to the legend of Osiris), he will be replaced
by “Amon- Râ “. Râ the Solar God which is, like the sign of Aries, in analogy with the Fire and the
Sun, and whose alliance was indeed destroyed, just like the old world and all his work was occulted
by the new pharaohs followers of obscurantism and slavery. The empire had defetead the alliance.
The cult of Râ will be replaced by the cult of Amon-Râ, Amon means “hidden” and it is also the
Moon (moon, mani), in opposition to the Sun. Amon-Râ is therefore the hidden Aries or the hidden
Sun, and indeed the effigy of Amon-Râ is much less significant and reminds the ram only by two
evasive horns above his head:
Fortunately for Ram, all the stones of Egypt, and of Karnak in particular, chant the name of Ram the
“On several important occasions, Ram showed himself worthy of his high reputation. His active
wisdom prevented all necessities, alleviated all difficulties; whether he spoke or he acted, one felt in
his words as in his actions something supernatural. He penetrated thoughts, he foresaw the future,
he cured diseases; all nature seemed submitted to him. It is him that the Hindus still honor under
his own name of Rama; it is him that Tibet, China, Japan, and the vast regions of northern Asia
know as Lama, Pa, Pa-pa, Pa-di-Shah, or Pa-si-pa.
It was him that the first ancestors of the Persians, the Iranians, called Giam-Shyd because he was
the first monarch in the world.” Fabre d’Olivet
But it is in Sumer where we find the most eloquent symbols, the Sumerian mythology tells us about
Enki who arrives, like Râ, from a solar boat, these long boats are like the Vikings boats of the year
1000 like two peas in a pod. Enki is the civilizing god, he is also a healer, a good god.
These two representations of Enki, showing him with a ram’s head and the body of a fish, are a
metaphor to tell us that Ram the ram arrived by sea. Moreover, the second image shows us a deer’s
head that reminds us of Kernunos, the deer god of the Celtic mythology. Part of the people of
Hyperborean origin led by Ram will remain in the civilized provinces of Orient until 1500-1200
BC, dates of the new great migrations, during the ones the Kelts will return to Western Europe,
where they will find their former brothers, it is the “wedding” of Bretanos and Herakles (Ram).
Official history starts at that time, and speaks about Indo-European to make us forgive everything
easier, making us believe that whites/Europeans come from India while the Kelts/Ariyas are just
back home ! It is because of this separation of 3000 years, between “Britons, Hyperboreans” and
“Hyperboreans, Kelts having migrated” that the Kelt language, initially very Germanic, will become
Gaelic, and that will be created the two great families of European languages (and not IndoEuropean):
the very Nordic Anglo-Saxon languages and the Gaëllo-Latin languages that sunbathed.
The Gaels are indeed of the Ramaïc family, just like the Gauls and all the European peoples called
“from GAL”.
In the Celtic mythology, Ram is the son of Lug and the brother of Cuchulain, Cuchulain is known in
America as Kukulkan. In Greek mythology he is Herakles son of Zeus, in the Roman’s he is
Hercules son of Jupiter, among the Gauls he is Ram or Belenos in his Solar and Royal aspect,
Gwyddon in his Spiritual and Druidic aspect. Thor is the son of Odin and can be assimilated to him,
among the Slavs he is Peroun. The original tribe of Ram is the one of the Borean Eburos, literally
“the Boars of Borea”; apart from the aforementioned Rémès, the tribes of the Eburons, the
Eburovices (located in the region of Evreux) and the Bellovacs (word with the root “Bel” for
“Bélier” (ram in french), which will become Belenos, Bellatores…) located in Picardy, and which
will give a part of their names to Belgium, are the most evocative names. But the “wedding” of
Bretanos (the Britons of Great Britain and of Gaul who remained at home) and Herakles (Ram and
his ram people) which will give birth to Celtos is quite explicit to make us think that all the Celtic
tribes are potentially of Ramaïc descent.
Ram / Herakles / Hercules is also the builder/architect of the city of Alésia around 1200 BC
according to Diodorus.
It is up to each and everyone to reclaim their roots, their identity, locally, do not hesitate to
communicate to me your local legends, your discoveries, and do not hesitate to represent your roots,
what makes you vibrate, wearing an evocative T-shirt : thus, you will make a double shot, like
Hermès*, by asserting your identity and supporting me in this fight for our cultural and moral rerooting.
https://shop.spreadshirt.fr/espritviking to get tee-shirts
Oleg of Normandy
*Hermes / Thoth / Mercury / Lug / Odin / Agni: to each mythology, to each tribe his god but a unity
in the common principles.
Merci pour cet article, je n’ai pas de légende à raconter personnellement mais certains de mes rêves mon marqué? Je souhaite le meilleur à touts les êtres bien intentionnés.
Enfin, la vérité. Mille mercis pour cet article.